My Very Inspiring Bloggers Award Nomination

VIBA blogging-award3I am pleased to annouce that I have been nominated for the “Very Inspiring Bloggers Award.” Being fairly new to the blogging community and as an author and a writer, I am honored to receive this nomination from a fellow inspiring blogger Angela of Put It Together 4 U. Thank you Angela for nominating me and for supporting my blog.

To my readers, please stop by putittogether4u  and say “Hello” to Angela. You will find her blog not only creative and inspiring, but she also offers special discounts as well.

The rules are as following:

#1 – Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

#2 – List the rules and display the award.

#3 – Share 7 facts about you.

#4 – Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know that they have been nominated.

#5 – Optional: Display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.


7 Facts About Me:

1. I am a Christian. I follow Jesus.

2. I love God and I keep Him first.

3. I love my family.

4. I love to read and  I am inspired to write.

5. I am a pescatrian. Fish is the only meat that I include in my diet.

6. I have a passion for most things sweet (cakes, cookie, pies, etc.).

7. I am the Founder of Jeanie Shepard Ministries.


#4 – Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their post to let them know that they have been nominated.

My nominees are:









*I only have 8 nominees because I am fairly new to the blogging community.

#5 – Optional: Display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

My thanks to everybody who paticiated. I look forward to your list as well.

8 thoughts on “My Very Inspiring Bloggers Award Nomination

  1. Cherese my lovely and beautiful angel child! I am grateful for your assistance on my blogging journey. I could not have gotten this far without you. Thank you for your love, encouragement and support of all things Mom! In the famous words of Ralph Cramdon,”Baby, you’re the greatest!”


  2. Good morning Ange. Yes, I did know that and my daughter helped me with the acknowledgement of my appreciation of the Liebster Award. I believe that one was proper. Concerning the Very Inspiring Bloggers Award, I acknowledge the nominator on my own, careful to following the steps taken from the first award (at least I hoped that it was correct). So thank you for confirming that for me. I’m going to keep learning as I going along. I won’t quit. I have found my purpose in life! You’re awesome Ange! Thank you very much!


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