Obedience Births Blessings

Screenshot_2014-05-30-04-40-29-1Scripture: His mother (Mary) saith unto the servants, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it” (John 2:5 KJV).

At the beginning of Christ’s miracles, He turned water to wine. This symbolizes the difference between the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His turning water into wine gives the knowledge of grace. The wine is a symbol of his bloodshed on the cross.

At the beginning of Moses’ miracles, he turned water to blood (Ex. 7:20). The first mark of the Messiah was his first miracle of turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). This miracle was actually a visible parable. Our Lord performed a profoundly symbolic act at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. He took something that belonged to the realm of the inanimate world, “water,” and changed it into a living substance, “wine.” He took something that belonged to the realm of mere matter and transformed it into something that is forever an expression of joy and life.

From this act of obedience, they were all blessed with new wine. This act of change is symbolic of what Christ came to do. Isaiah 61:1-3 proclaims, “He came to declare the day of grace when God purposed to take human beings in their brokenness, emptiness, and lifelessness, and give them life.”

The first miracle Jesus performed was changing water to wine (John 2:1-11). The wedding attendants followed Jesus’ instructions, filling six waterpots with water to the brim. From this act of obedience, they all were blessed with new wine. This act of change is symbolic of what Christ came to do. He came to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord’s favor (Isa. 61:1-3). He came to declare the day of grace when God purposed to take human beings in their brokenness, emptiness, and lifelessness and give them life.


The woman with the issue of blood received healing as she touched the hem of His garment – Mark 5:25. The man with palsy lay at the pool of Bethesda, waiting for the angel to come to trouble the water. But when the water bubbled, the man couldn’t make it to the water to receive the miracle of healing. Jesus went to the man and challenged his faith. He needed to believe that he would be healed before being healed. He was expecting to receive a miracle – John 5:2.

If we lose our expectations, we lose our chance for a miracle. Jesus performed numerous miracles, including calming the storm and feeding 5,000 people with only 2 fish and 5 loaves. He also cured diseases, healed the sick, and raised the dead. In all of these occurrences, there was an exchange of something. Most of the time, it was faith; if you can believe, you shall receive.

Christ is the link and the ladder between heaven and earth. There is a great lesson to be learned in blending the sacred with the secular. There is a need to turn the ordinary life over to the Lord. Those who expect the Lord’s favor must obey His orders. By miracles, Christ produces the best of its kind. Obedience births blessings!

May the Lord open your spiritual eyes to see amazing things you’ve never witnessed. May you have a spiritual experience with our Lord.

Blessings of joy and peace to you!


4 thoughts on “Obedience Births Blessings

  1. What an awesome article. I learned something new about Jesus turning water into a living substance. Also, I find it interesting that water is inanimate, but it’s essential to all living things. Your blog gives me such insight into the Word of God. Thank You Evang. Jeanie Shepard!


  2. Good morning Cherese. Thank you for the comment. Water has so many life given qualities. I find it amazing that in Gen. 1:6, God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse fromt the water above it. This was done on the second day of creation. Who amazing is that! Let’s continue to glean all that God has for us!
    May God continue to bless us with revelational knowledge.


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